(1.) Long Relief Pitcher
(2.) Hitters
(1.) Closer Cory Davidson
Sluggers' Magazine told us what rod33 was looking for specifically. Rod33 explains in a few simple words, "Contract cost cannot exceed Davidson's (closer Corey Davidson) contract." Davidson's contract for this year is at 2.4 million dollars.
(1.) Needs to upgrade hitting pretty much everywhere, except for a few exceptions. Most likely rod33 will have to trade quality for quantity.
(2.) As rod33 told us, he needs a reliever that can come in early in the game if his starter gets into trouble to pitch a few innings. One possibility may be Todd Plant, Darrel Waters, Frank Ledee, or Harvey Cardona. Anyone of these guys could be either a great fit or a terrible fit for Louisville. However, it's all up to rod33 to make the move and to hit that submit button.
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